Car accident – Do I Have A Case?

This Blog was brought to you by the J.A. Davis Law Firm in McAllen

Car accident – Do I Have A Case?

It is totally normal to wonder about your options after a car accident and where to get answers. Some of the emotions that you may be feeling can include anger, sadness, confusion, and more. There are also any possible physical implications if you or someone you love suffered from injuries. Many people wonder if they have a case after a car accident. A car accident attorney can help you determine if you have a case and what you should do next. More about Car Accident Lawyer here

Call today to set up an appointment with a qualified car accident attorney to schedule your case evaluation.

How Do You Know If You Have A Case?

Typically, personal injury and wrongful death cases are based upon the fact that someone was injured or killed through no fault of their own or through circumstances beyond control. This can include unsafe work conditions, or in the case of car accidents, negligent driving. For unfair accidents such as these, it is possible that victims could be eligible for compensation. Some of the most common ways that accidents can happen through the negligent actions of others include:

Drunk driving or driving under the influence of drugs
Texting while driving or any form of distracted driving
Speeding, reckless driving, or dangerous behavior
Driver errors, such as failing to check before changing lanes or following road signs
Semi-trucks making poor driving decisions
Cars or trucks disregarding smaller vehicles, such as motorcycles
Dangerous road conditions or other external factors, such as weather and visibility

Of course, there are other things that can cause car accidents, but these are some of the most common ways that negligence can contribute to serious car accidents. If any of the above reasons apply to your case, you may be eligible for financial compensation. A car accident attorney can assist you as you pursue what is rightfully yours, and he or she may be able to determine how much your case is worth.

Negligent Driving by someone else Is Not Your Fault

Are you unclear about the circumstances surrounding your accident? Are you unsure if you have a legitimate case? It is okay to be confused or not know if you have a case. An attorney will gladly look over the details of your accident and determine the best way in which to proceed. Some of the questions that may be asked include:

Has an insurance company offered you a settlement?
Did you lose a loved one in the accident or as a result of his or her injuries?
Are you suffering from injuries incurred in a collision?
Was the accident the fault of another driver?
Can you prove, through documentation and police reports, that you suffered as a result of another driver’s negligent actions?

An attorney will use this information to determine if you have a viable chance at being granted financial recompense. If it is determined that you should seek money to cover your expenses, you will already have a qualified attorney by your side to assist with the entire process.

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Drunk Driving Accidents

This Blog was brought to you by the J.A. Davis Law Firm in McAllen

Drunk Driving Accidents

Drunk driving accidents are dangerous and frightening. Driving while under the influence is not only dangerous to the driver, but it also endangers everyone else around. Drunk drivers who break the law are operating selfishly and could be held liable for endangering an innocent victim. If you have been injured or have lost a loved one in a drunk driving accident, you may be eligible for financial compensation. Drunk driving may be one of the most common car accident causes, but it does not mean that you should suffer alone. More about Car Accident Lawyer here
If you have been involved in a collision caused by a drunk driver, call us. We are experienced in dealing with claims of this type and we will do all that we can to help you.

What Happens In Drunk Driving Accidents?

Drunk driving is a serious issue across the United States. Despite roadblocks, DUI checkpoints, and anti-DUI ad campaigns, driving under the influence remains an ongoing concern. Just as texting while driving is a growing epidemic, the same could be said for drunk driving.

There are signs a driver may be intoxicated and, if suspected, he or she should be immediately reported to law enforcement. The signs include:

Erratic driving
Weaving in and out of traffic
Speeding up then slowing down
Difficulty staying in the traffic lanes
Aggressive or reckless behavior on the road

Even just one or two alcoholic drinks in the bloodstream can slow down a person’s reaction time and increase the risk of an accident. Many drunk drivers are unaware that they are endangering themselves and everyone else around them. There is no excuse for drunk driving and nothing said will negate the liability assigned to anyone who gets behind the wheel of a vehicle while drunk. Some excuses for drunk driving may include:

It is only a short journey home.
A taxicab would be too expensive.
I could not leave my car overnight, as I need it first thing tomorrow.
I was in a rush to get home.
I only had a few drinks.

Drunk Driving Is Impaired Driving

Alcohol slows the body’s reaction time and can make it difficult to make the on-the-spot decisions that are often required to drive safely. Some of the other reasons drunk driving is dangerous may include:

Blurred vision
Slow reactions
Difficulty thinking clearly
Inability to focus
Sleepiness or feelings of aggression

Any of these reasons, and perhaps more, can contribute to the danger of drunk driving. If you have been the victim of a drunk driver in any capacity, you may be eligible for compensation, just like victims of other accidents. You have nothing to lose with a case evaluation. You may even be surprised by what a car accident attorney can do for you.

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